The 365 Commitment

Day 95 – Inspiration’s Source

Where do you turn for peace? For Inspiration in a time of need? These are the two questions that tackled this morning. I have decided that inspiration, if that is what we want to call it, is like a well of water that can potentially run dry if it is not refreshed from a living water source.

If we keep dipping into the well, eventually we are going to find ourselves scrapping the bottom of that well and finding ourselves struggling. Sort of the situation I found myself in this last few days. I imagine that if I continue to hang around this dry well hoping for water to come then I am going to be disappointed. I need to find a new source, or figure out a way to replenish the well of inspiration.

I believe that this is an advantage that deeply religious people have. Most religions teach of some wellspring of spiritual nourishment that is always referenced as unlimited. A never ending source of enlightenment and assistance in leading a life full of joy. Although I consider myself religious, I certainly would not consider myself spiritual by nature. I have met a few people like this in my life – and I am always moved by their ability to tap into this well of living water that constantly seems to flow into their life.

For me, I am in a constant struggle with this and never in my life have I naturally turned toward a inspirational source of spiritual nourishment. I usually battle this out on my own and turn to this source of peace only when I am desperate and in real need. I suspect this is not unique to me, and that most people are this way. The Mother Theresa’s of the world are rare indeed.

However, I will say this. That as I have followed this 365 commitment “religiously” now for 95 days – I have had ups and downs, but the consistency of always seeking guidance from a spiritual source (God) has had some significant benefits. The primary benefit is that my lows are not as low as they used to be. I am not sure how to explain that, but if you are anything like me you know what I am talking about. You get off track, stress overwhelms you, and you find yourself sinking into a state of discouragement for a period of time until you can muster enough will power to dig yourself out of the hole you allowed your mind to take you to.

With the consistency of this commitment. Each day starting new with my list, and ending each day with consideration of what is important – and to do so prayerfully has helped me quickly stop any downward spiral that starts to occur. This is an unexpected benefit, and I am certainly glad for it.

This morning I added to my 365 list to find some additional sources of inspiration and spend 15 minutes or so listening, reading, or participating in what that source has to offer. I listened to an inspirational video. Tomorrow I might take a walk where I have not walked before. I might listen to the sounds of nature for 15 minutes, or I might sit and stare at an ant hill for a while. Something completely Zen like – I don’t know. The point is – we should constantly seek for inspiration as part the 365 commitment and not forget to fill our wells, and seek for a true source of inspiration.

Guy Reams (95)
365 Member

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