The 365 Commitment

Day 168 – My life, My dishwasher

If I raise my perspective a few notches and look at my life the way I look at a machine, I am in for some shocking revelations.

Case and point – my dishwasher is broken right now. How do I know that? Quite simply it will not produce the outcome that I want – clean dishes at the end of its washing cycle.

My family takes little time to consider, or even contemplate the fact that the dishwasher is broken, it just is. Outcome is not being produced, machine is broken.

Are we capable of looking at our lives in this manner? Not getting the outcome you want? Your life is broken, plain and simple. Now, this sounds rather bleak – but look at it this way. If this outcome you want is not being produced, then you need to stop working IN your life and start working ON your life.

Become the life designer or engineer for a day. Instead of continuing to do the same things that are producing the wrong outcome, take a step back and become the architect of your life.

Are you capable of setting ego aside, exposing your blind spots and looking at what is really going on? Is the truth important to you?

If yes, then consider the outcome you want and ask yourself why your life process and design is not getting you there. I hate to tell you this, but most likely you are failing because of your weaknesses. It is ok, everyone has weaknesses. The difference between someone who gets the outcome they want and the person that does not has to do with their willingness to recognize their weaknesses and solve for them.

If i am weak at something, why am I continuing to require myself to do it? I can ignore this, find someone else to do it, completely change what I am doing or fight like hell to make a weakness a strength.

If the dishwasher is not working then fix or replace the darn machine.

Guy Reams (168)

365 Member


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