The 365 Commitment

Day 220 – How do you become more creative?

My whole life I have thought that my best and most creative moments where when I abandoned discipline, embraced chaos and threw all caution to the wind. True, I had some creative times but they were fleeting and temporary. I have now discovered a very interested equation for sustaining creativity over a longer period of time. Creativity that actually means something. Ready for the equation? Here it is:

True creativity is effectively the accident that occurs after a dedicated and disciplined focus toward an objective. Discipline and dedication come via the way of consistent habits. So therefore, habits = focus = creativity.

As in most simple truths, this equation flies in the face of conventional wisdom. You would think creativity was the spawn of independence from habit and focus – however it is the opposite. Real creativity is dependent on habit and focus. I am imagining the dedicated artist that is focused not only on their craft but creating a vision. They discover a new technique along the way, but how did they come across this. Yes, it may have been by accident or a sudden inspiration. However, it came while they were engaged in a very focused and habitual pattern of pursuing their craft for an extended period of time.

I am suddenly discovering the freedom that comes from dedication and pursuit of habit. True I have less time to spend day dreaming, and doing nothing – but I finding it easier to be focused, quicker to engage on ideas and the time that I do have to seek inspiration is well spent. I am less likely to chase a crazy concept that leads to nowhere. I now discover creative ideas that are in line with my objectives rather then distractions and tangents that take me off track.

Yes, I hate to reveal this to myself and others – but habit forming is the key to creativity.

Guy Reams (220)
365 Member

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