The 365 Commitment

Day 239 – Live in the Moment

Exactly how does a person, “live in the moment?” My entire life this has been a nugget of advice that people have tossed in my path. “Guy, you need to live in the moment.” I did not really understand what that meant.

I do now.

We can choose to dwell on the past. Relive in our minds the glory days, revisit an even that left us scared, or contemplate what could of been if only I….

We can also choose to control as much as possible the future, preferring instead the comfortable predictability of a non threatening environment. We can focus on controlling the people and things around us. We can attempt to reduce interaction with others as much as possible, as people introduce an unpredictable element to our lives.

We can of course, live in the moment by watching an intense drama on tv about individuals living out there lives while under the constant threat of zombie invasion. This will get our adrenaline going, the fight or flight response will kick in. We will get that high, and then in about 2 hours it will wear off. Maybe even better, we can binge watch the entire series and let the stress hormones just completely alter our brain chemistry for 8 hours and in do doing, completely escape the need to make and changes to our very predictable lives.

Better solution is to set aside the past for awhile, avoid trying to control interaction around you out of a fear to prevent predictability. You can wake up in the morning and decide to just live in the moment. No preconceived past or future prejudice, just participate in reality for what it really is. You can see clearly now, the rain is gone, and all the obstacles that you thought were impossible are now clearly seen.

Decide what to focus on today to change your future, alter your course, improve your circumstance. Do not let your cloudy rearview mirror or your fogged up windshield misconstrue your bright path ahead.

Stop the car, step outside, find the little dirt path that transfers the paved well worn road you are in. Leave the keys in the ignition, grab your lived ones by the hand and step into the path that is entirely your own.

Up ahead is a distant, yet bright future. Many perils along the way, I am sure but that does not matter. Those things are not going to kill you, so put one foot in front of the other and get on your path.

Guy Reams (239)

365 Member

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