The 365 Commitment

Day 240 – Hardwired

You are perfectly designed to get the exact results you are getting right now at this moment. You are actually hardwired to get this result. That wiring is complex, it is based on emotional, mental, physical components of yourself and your environment.

Just take a few moments and catalog some of your routines. Be honest. Walk through the last several days and catalog what you did exactly and how you felt. For example, you might wake up in the morning, roll over and grab your phone. Check various social media sources, text messages, email messages, news, or whatever else is important to you right now. During that experience you will experience emotion. It is impossible not to. You will see something that will trigger an emotion from a previous experience that you had. You will get a message from someone that you might like, or not like, or someone you try to avoid. Whatever, that is not the point. That point is that you now have an emotional reaction to a person, place, or event that is going to impact you physically and spiritually.

You can then map the rest of your day. I bet there is a lot more predictability then you think. Predictability in terms of what you do, and who you see, but also about how you react and how you feel. In fact, unpredictable things probably annoy you. Here is the problem. You might not like the way you are now, or perhaps you really want to improve your situation, or do some real work on changing your personality (which you can do btw, I have proved that in my life)! If you are a creature of these designed patterns and triggered emotional responses then you do not have time or even the desire to do things that would cause you to be uncomfortable or distracted from the ordinary.

I think the 365 Commitment, which requires me to wake each day and think seriously on how I am going to impact the day, and also change my hard wiring to be replaced with good habits has done two things. First, I have changed the pattern of other people, ideas, and the outside universe from impacting my emotional state before I am ready. I no longer allow that. What I decide to work on today is between God and myself and no one else. I am no longer hard wired to think of the various sources of distraction on my phone or other sources that trigger instant emotional responses in rapid succession. I also have gone through the very difficult process of changing my wiring to now include good habits with a great positive emotional reaction to them.

This process takes a while. I am convinced that changing the wiring, to where your mind and body gives up on “going back to normal” takes anywhere from 50 to 90 days. The more you get used to breaking the cycle, the more you are willing to accept it. My waking in the morning to a list habit took at least 90 days for me to finally break the old wiring. I would still find myself reverting well past 50 days. I had to remind myself constantly. However, now that I am at 240 days – I am completely wired now. It is absolutely automatic. When I implemented the wake at 5, run, pushup, situp, squat routine – that took a little less to incorporate. Now it is just hard, but I do it regardless. The writing everything I eat down habit took only 50 days and by the time I was there – it became an automatic wired expectation for the day.

The point is that you have to seriously consider the effort behind changing your wiring. Othewise, you will still get the results you are getting now. One or two days of doing something better is not going to make a dent in hundreds of days reverting back to your old ways. You have to deliberately and with focus cause a change to your wiring by consistent daily effort for 50 to 90 days.

I have a video associated with this blog! Check it out @

Guy Reams (240)
365 Member

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