The 365 Commitment

Day 51- Your Body Says It

85% of our communication, in person, is not the actual words we speak, but rather emanates from our bodies: posture, facial expression, eye movement, hand gestures, voice tone, inflection, movement, and so on.  The vast majority of the message others receive  is transmitted through body language, an area worth learning about and improving consciously through the 365 commitment.

One of my favorite Tedx Talks is by Mark Bowden.  It is as entertaining as it is useful.  I incorporated Mark’s advice into my work as a Professional Development facilitator a few years ago, and noticed a stunning improvement in the engagement and positive response of my audience/students.  My content did not change, just my conscious  use of body language.  Check it out, worth the 20 minutes of your life.

In addition to what Mark shares, I think that standing up straight in a forthright and confident manner can really change how people treat you and how you treat yourself.  I spend a lot of hours slumped over a computer, so I have incorporated a daily habit to help mitigate the slumped shoulders and shortened hip-flexors that result.  Every morning I get on my inverter, put a basketball under my mid-upper back, and grasp a 45lb weight while I stretch and bend my back as I pull my shoulder blades together.  I notice a good stretch on the front of my torso and chest especially.   Also, I work to put the curve in my neck by inverting and placing a round plastic container under my neck, rolling and enjoying the crunching sounds.

I hang upside down by my ankles at about a 65-70 degree angle, so not completely upside down, but enough so that gravity, along with the 25-45lb weight I hold in hand, decompresses all my main joints, and gives my veins and arteries and lymph system something to think about.

I do this every morning in between my exercise and mediation habits, it’s something I really look forward to. I think there are many health benefits, and most importantly this habit helps to stand up straighter, which communicates so much to others and ourselves.

Conscious body language development and posture maintenance have both proven worthwhile to me, so I’m passing them on to you as something to consider incorporating into your 365 Commitment.  Hang in there!

Ben Wagner (57)

Member 365 Commitment

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