The 365 Commitment

Is Serial Better? – 73 Days Left

I have the unique experience of teaching basic computer science courses to students since the early 90s. As the years progressed, some of the concepts changed, others remained persistent. Fascinating really to watch what trends filtered down into a Computer Science 101 course. There were many revolutions that I had to adopt into the curricula. Perhaps the most notable was Object Oriented Design. As programming became more pervasive, computer science started trying to take on more complex problems. As that complexity grew, so did the models and language used to think about them.

One of the big concepts that has stuck around and is always in some ebb and flow is the concept of serial versus parallel communication. Quick crash course. In electronic signaling you have a choice. You can send data one at a time, or in large chunks. One at a time is serial and in large chunks is parallel. Got it? Good – you are now an expert in signal processing. The real fun question is what is better? I know you have already thought – well that is obvious – large chunks is better. Or is it? You see when you do things in large chunks, it is more prone to error. There is more chance that things will get jumbled. Consequently, you have to build in complex systems to handle the transmitting and receiving of those larger chunks. This increases expense and produces opportunity for error. One at a time is easier to deal with, we can transmit much faster and in rapid succession with less chance for error. Over the years there has been a back and forth between these two concepts. Parallel processing will develop new and cheaper technology being able to to lower the cost and decrease errors in simultaneous signaling. However, then comes a better, faster, more efficient way of sending data one at a time and the debate rages again.

Which brings me to this fun question. Is the computer science world reflecting a reality that we humans are dealing with every day? Which is better? The multi-tasker that seems to be working on a bunch of things at once or the serial worker that does one thing really well with lower chances for error? Is it better to have many irons in the fire or just one? Should you focus or keep your approach wide and open? This is a fun debate, which I do not think I will win here. The chances are that there are multiple ways of dealing with things, depending on the circumstances or person. So there may not be a correct answer. However…

I will say this. Multi-tasking is a complete myth and a lie designed to make you feel bad. The phrase, “you are not great at multi-tasking” is a concept I have heard many times and the point is that it is true for EVERYONE!! No one is good at multi tasking. Sure you can become better at flipping from one thing to another and then back again, but you just simply cannot do two things at once. It is just impossible. Now you can accomplish two objectives with the same task – that is a different issue entirely. However, the concept that you can multi-task is a concept that is a fabrication. It is just not possible. You are definitely single threaded. Now you can have a bunch of stuff waiting in queue for you to work on, but you are only really ever going to be able to work on one thing at a time. I have studied this, and there are many studies on this topic. You just cannot effectively do two things at one time.

In fact if you google it, you will find that a lot of modern research proves that multi-tasking is actually unhealthy. It might be damaging your brain, causing your anxiety, producing dissatisfaction in your job and inhibiting your career. Also, women are not better at multi-tasking and therefore make better moms and secretaries. That is a complete pile of rubbish too. Men and women are both equally bad at multi-tasking. We all suck at it. We are not more effective when we are multi-tasking. We are actually less effective, diluted, and heading toward insanity. When you are multi-tasking you are actually causing yourself to become distracted. Your creativity is lessened and you tend to take shortcuts and make bad decisions.

Ah but you say – I have so much to do! Yes, that is true. Which is why you MUST, ABSOLUTELY MUST, be deliberate about what you work on and when you work on it. Choose what to work on and when and be purposeful. This allows you to be serial in your thought process but able to handle multiple threads in a day. Believe me? Maybe you do not. That is cool, but prove me wrong. Start the day with a purposeful plan on what you are going to work on and when. See what happens. Then start a day with no plan at all and see what happens. I think you will conclude the same thing I have. I cannot multi task at all, and if I let my life treat me like a pinball machine I will end up on tilt and get nothing done. You have all been there – admit it – staring at a computer screen with a million things to do yet you feel paralyzed as to what to do first. You are almost hoping someone will send you an urgent email so the decision will be made for you!

Keeping a commitment REQUIRES serial communication in your life. You decide to keep a commitment, then with purpose each day, decide on the time and slot in which you are going to accomplish the commitment and then for that period of time focus on keeping that commitment. That is the only thing you should focus on during that time. That is OK, you are accomplishing your personal commitment and nothing is more important than that. True – you cannot take all day, everyday to do your personal commitment – but that 1 hour can be yours. You can choose to be serial and not parallel during that time slice.

I have noticed that I am more likely to keep a personal commitment when I start the day with a plan. So maybe that bit of advice will help someone. Start everyday with a plan, and you will discover that you are more likely to find time to be focuses on a single item during a designated part of your day. You might even find out you accomplish more when you have made the deliberate decision to focus on something important.

Guy Reams
365 Alumni
73 Days Left to 1st Marathon

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5 years ago

I think John Bonham was multitasking when he played the drums. Hands and feet doing different things at different rates simultaneously and/or rhythmically in relation to the music.

Ha! Gotchya!

There is the concept of chunking which may be relevant. Essentially it is merging multiple steps into one, as you will agree, it does not break with your recommendation of serial being better, it just treats or merges multi steps into one. Sort of a “wave or particle” way of looking getting things done. Habit allows us to chunk , which is why driving takes so little mental processing. We can drive and do other things at the same time (I know this is not politically correct example, but it is true) .

Not arguing with you here, just adding some thoughts you sparked.


Ben Wagner
5 years ago

I like it. Magnification!

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