The 365 Commitment

109 – Elasticity of Human Performance

We have no shortage of knowledge available to us.  Experts are at our fingertips on YouTube, we can look anything up instantly and compare multiple sources.  Lack of knowledge is not the issue.  Applying knowledge in our lives is the hard part.

This is where the 365 Commitment comes in.  The tenets of the 365 Commitment get you into gear, put the rubber to the road, engage warp-drive, actually make things happen.   As humans we have incredible potential, AND we have very real and firm limitations.  There is only so much time in a day, we have built in human tendencies to contend with.

It is so strange how weak and vulnerable we are and how strong and resilient we can become.  I am always stunned at the elasticity of performance.  How is it that running 1/4 mile can be a struggle that would leave most people gasping and collapsing in a heap, yet some athletes can run for 200 miles!?  Literally a differential of 3200 times.  Amazing as this is, it is no mystery.  We know that it is simply a matter of incremental development.  That person who can run 200 miles was once someone who gasped at a 1/4 mile.  They simply began a process of working within the limitations of our reality to develop themselves over time.  It takes a combination of time, discipline, vision, spirit, and passion.

First a vision is required.  Once you know where you want to go then it is a matter of moving towards it incrementally, developing habits that act as an auto-pilot toward goals is crucial.  Couching the whole process in spiritual meaning is required, much the same as twelve step programs promote reliance on a higher power, the 365 commitment requires daily prayer and/or meditation seeking to connect to the highest good, and sharpening our focus on what is most important and meaningful.

The 365 Commitment is a pragmatic process that works within our human limitations and the  constructs of reality we all contend with.  Try our process for 365 days in a row and see what happens.  What will you feel like in 365 days?  How will you have changed yourself and your experience in life in 365 days of iterative effort?  These are great questions.  Find the answer, join the 365 Commitment.


Ben Wagner (116)

Member The 365 Commitment



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