The 365 Commitment

Blog 166 – writing about what’s worthwhile

Writing a daily blog, and writing down daily goals as part of my 365 Commitment have become habits.  After an initial cup of coffee, the first thing I do each day is try to think of something worthwhile to say, and express that in a blog post.

It did not take me long to realize that anything worth saying or thinking about can be related back to the 365 Commitment. I think this is because the entire thrust of 365 Commitment is to make life better.   By definition, “worthwhile”  is a value proposition.  We value things that lead to “better”  otherwise they cannot be considered worthwhile.

Writing everday about anything you value will help solidify and instantiate that thing into your life.

So, consider incorporating the daily habit of writing about anything you think is worthy of sharing or doing. This will help manifest those things in your life and afford you the opportunity to think about what is important. A good habit indeed

Ben Wagner (173)

Member the 365 Commitment

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