The 365 Commitment

The Unseen Progress

In my extensive research I have been doing on body weight exercise, I have been following several content creators online. I ran into this video blog by Steve Atlas. Here is the video.

He talks about a topic that I have absolutely seen myself, but did not know enough to articulate it. It is the concept of unseen progress. When you are following a protocol, regime, or what I call a commitment – you are making progress even though you do not see it.

If you eat well, and exercise you are going to look better, lose weight, lower body fat percentage. You may not see it for awhile and not seeing visual results can be really frustrating. However, you ARE making progress. Suddenly one day you will wake up and bam the results will be noticeable. You will be wondering, what happened? What did I do? What you did was follow a commitment for an extended period of time and you got to the point of critical mass and your system kicked in finally and you surpassed the plateau and you can now visibly see the results.

Unseen progress is happening, even though you may not have a way to know that. This is really important, and it is why you need to have faith in your commitment, the protocol you are following. You will eventually break this wide open and you will be enjoying very noticeable and positive results.

I have seen this many times and in many different areas, not just exercise and health. For example, I really struggled memorizing long number strings for a long time. I kept practicing everyday for a long time and then suddenly one day – wow! I can memorize a 20 digit number without even thinking about it!? Meditation is the same way. Seems like I never make progress, and then one day, out of the blue seemingly, I made major progress. The point is, stick with something for a long period of time and you will make progress even if it is unseen.

Guy Reams

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