The 365 Commitment

Blog 193 – Categorical Imperative of Using Your Gift

What is worth working for?  What is worth fighting for?  What is worth praying for? What do you want to experience that will motivate you to use everything at your  disposal to reach?  What would motivate you to change?   What would motivate you to learn and grow? Good questions!

Great questions that I am wrestling with this morning.  Sometimes the pain of life can make us want to just curl up in a ball and protect ourselves.  I can relate to that.   Sometimes fear of failure in attaining those things we value can paralyze us.  I can relate to that.  Sometimes actual failure can demoralize us destroy our motivation.  Yup, I can relate to that too.  But these places of pain, fear, and failure need not hold us down for too long if we refocus on goals that are meaningful.

I think there is a categorical imperative (something that is fully moral according to Kant) –  to organize and align our gifts and use them properly. Each of us have talent,will, energy, and time – in different measure of course.  Resources come and go but our inherent gift in life is talent, will, energy and time – these we must organize and get into alignment in order to make use of them properly.   

 A worthy goal is the organizing principle that we need!  It is the thing that will align your talents.  A meaningful and important goal is the mechanism we all need in order to utilize our gift in a way that is moral – that fulfills the categorical imperative of striving toward your potential – or to put it negatively – to avoid squandering your potential.

If someone came along and gifted you a beautiful car (one you really dig) , would you let it sit in the driveway or would you fire it up and drive it?  Yes, you would drive it!  To where?  Your destination is your goal.  That’s a good metaphor!  Think of your life gift as a cool automobile, for me that is a bitchin’ sports car!  Now just figure out where you want to drive it to, turn the key, fire up the engine and get going!

Ben Wagner (200)

Member The 365 Commitment

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