The 365 Commitment

Everyday a Story

So I ran into my second coyote this morning while running. I seem to have affinity for catching wild animals unaware. We parted ways in polite fashion both agreeing that we were better served by going about our own business.

As I continued to run, I knew this coyote encounter would make it into my blog. That made me think about a new concept. What if you ended everyday with a story. Maybe today is a story of triumph, overcoming tough odds, finding a new passion, meeting someone, a tragedy perhaps or maybe even a romantic comedy.

Could everyday be worthy of a story? Could you end each day with a paragraph or two that stated, “Today was the day that I . . . ”

Think on this. What if starting tomorrow the first thing that you do is consider what your story could end up being today? What would the next line of that phase be?

Today was the day that I….

Finally started…

Spent time with…

Met the person that…






The story can be simple and even a one sentence phase. The important concept is that it will be a story that makes today worth it. A phase that at the end of the day, you know that you accomplished something. You added a sentence to the story of your life.

You will probably live 25,000 days or more in this life. That is 25,000 sentences if you kept this habit. The average novel has about 5000 sentences in it. So let’s say you are around 50 years old. That means you have two full novels to write still. One sentence a day until the day that you die. What is going to be between those covers?

What an amazing novel that would be.

Today was the day that I figured out how to build a rotary swivel mount for a robotic arm with my kids.

Guy Reams

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