The 365 Commitment

Stay Consistent

Progress comes via consistency. You can have the highest ambition known to humankind, but without consistency you have done nothing. You can put forth the single most awe inspiring effort in a single moment but without consistency you will loose. Consistency is what causes improvements to be made, or really anything to be made. Even bad results come about because of consistency.

If you consistently do bad things you will get bad results, that is just how it goes. We spend way too much time worried about the plan. Creating the plan is the easy part I suppose. Following the plan consistency, is the real secret to success. At the end of the result, the actual plan had little to do with the end product, your consistency is what mattered the most.

Let me give you an example, I was thinking of improving the amount of exercise I am doing. I run a considerable amount, but wanted to add a few hours of intense cardio in the late afternoon. I have been agonizing over a rowing machine versus a treadmill. Month have gone by, I took no action. Here is the deal, either choice would been far better than nothing. Either choice with consistent use would produce good results. So why agonize over good choices? Pick one and just be consistent.

How long do you have to be consistent to see a noticeable improvement in your life? I have proven this to be just about 90 days. Look at it as 3 Months or 12 Weeks of following a consistent commitment. If you follow any good plan for 90 days and you will see remarkable improvement in your life. So that is what it is going to take. You want results? Pick something, anything good and follow it for 90 days and stay consistent!

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