Time to Get Serious

I have 237 Days, 34 Weeks and 1,941 Miles to go and then I will have finished the Zion Ultra 100 Miler. One of the commitments that I made 1,306 days ago. There are few commitments that I may struggle to achieve, but this one, is quite simple. If I put the adequate miles on my feet, then I will be able to finish 100 miles in the rugged desert terrain. I have mapped out a complete plan, with qualifying and practice races on the way. Although I have been running most everyday since I made the commitment, now it is time to get serious. I need to dedicate serious effort toward mileage that pushes my limits, stretches me and tests my resolve. So this is week 1 of that serious effort. My plan scales my running up by 10% each week until get to 60 – 75 miles per week. Not all miles are created equal, some will be easy and long. Others short and fast. Many on trails, many up hills and few on downhills. The long hard road begins today.

Guy Reams (1306)

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