The 365 Commitment

What Do Your Grades Look Like?

This is the dreaded question that every middle school age child hates to hear. Mom, can I….followed by…what do your grades look like? Of course then you look them up and they ok, but not great. Usually doing well in some categories but inevitably really struggling in one or two. There are a litany of excuses that follow. But that was…wait a minute I turned that in, or I do not know what that is, and my favorite… the teacher has not graded that yet.

The cold hard facts are this. The gradebook just does not lie.

As I went through this, I started reflecting on my self. How are my grades looking?

What would be my “classes” and what would my gradebook be?

Physical Fitness – probably a B-. Doing well in gym class but the diet could use some work. The scale does not lie.

Religious Studies – probably a C. Pleasure to have in class but needs to listen more.

Communications – probably a D. Talks a lot and participates in class discussions but does not do his homework.

And so on.

That got me to thinking, joking aside, do I really have areas that I am focused on and way to grade myself? That could be an interesting way to hold myself accountable!

Guy Reams


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