The 365 Commitment

Day 23 – Relentless Pursuit

What does it mean to be in pursuit of something? I started thinking about this word this morning in relation to my goals in life. You can certainly tell when you see someone engaged in a ‘relentless pursuit’ of an objective. They stand out from other people in a stark contrast. They seem more dedicated, more convicted, and more passionate. I remember times when I might have achieved this level, but only sometimes. Certainly, I was in pursuit of my wife when I met her. I was terrible at trying to talk to women at the time, but I reflected back and realized that she was the focus of most of my energies. Perhaps it was because she was playing so hard to get, but it might have been more me realizing how important our relationship could become, or vice versa. I remember preparing for my first marathon. That took an incredible amount of focus and determination. We have many goals, desires, hopes, and dreams in life, but what does it mean to really pursue them?

Pursuit can bring up ideas to include seeking to improve mentally or physically. This can include hobbies, interests, or simply the desire to obtain knowledge. We may also be pursued by someone, such as the police, in hot pursuit of a criminal. However, in this context, I am referring to our desire to become someone different. To transform ourselves from what we have been to what we want or think we should be. That gap is often large and intimidating. So, with all our desires, how do we engage in a pursuit that would lead to success? What exactly are the characteristics of a person who is engaged in the act of pursuing a goal?

Watch my video on the relentless pursuit, here

When you are in an active pursuit, there is certainly a different set of behaviors than just idly hoping for something to be true. Casual attempts, half-hearted efforts, and thinking about something are definitely not the same thing as an active pursuit. So, with that consideration, we might find value in really thinking through these characteristics that identify a person as being anxiously engaged in a meaningful pursuit. I will offer some characteristics I thought of this morning; perhaps you can think of more.

  1. Determination: Relentless pursuers are highly determined and unwavering in their commitment to their goal. They do not easily give up in the face of obstacles, setbacks, or challenges.
  2. Persistence: They exhibit a high level of persistence, continuing their efforts even when faced with adversity. They are willing to put in the time and effort required to progress.
  3. Focus: Relentless pursuers maintain a laser-like focus on their goal. They prioritize their objective and are not easily distracted by other interests or pursuits.
  4. Resilience: They have a strong capacity to bounce back from failures and disappointments. Setbacks are seen as opportunities to learn and improve rather than as reasons to abandon their pursuit.
  5. Passion: A deep passion and enthusiasm drive their pursuit. They are genuinely excited and motivated by what they are working toward, which helps sustain their efforts over the long term.
  6. Goal-oriented: They set clear, specific, and achievable goals that provide direction and purpose for their pursuit. These goals are often broken down into smaller, manageable steps.
  7. Adaptability: Relentless pursuers are flexible and adaptable. They can adjust their strategies and approaches to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  8. Time management: They are often excellent at managing their time and resources efficiently to maximize their progress toward their goal.
  9. Self-discipline: They have a high level of self-discipline, which enables them to stay on course and resist distractions or temptations that might derail their pursuit.
  10. Patience: They understand that achieving significant goals may take time, and they are patient in their efforts. They are willing to invest time and effort, even if the results are not immediate.
  11. Continuous learning: They are open to learning and self-improvement. They seek knowledge and skills to help them become more effective in their pursuit.

Now that I have thought through these characteristics of an active pursuer, I have to really evaluate if I am actually in pursuit of anything. What am I committing this level of intensity toward? What is the absolutely most important objective for me to achieve right now? Am I behaving like this?

The answer is no. That hurts. I know exactly what I want to achieve and what success would look like. I know what I am aspiring for, but clearly, I am not in active pursuit. Today is a good day to change that.

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