Day 268 – A Little Help from Friends

This is not an article about drugs or late 60s British pop music. Rather, it was an interesting thought I had while roaming around a convenience store a few days ago. McCartney’s team must have struck a deal with a major corporate background music company because I have been hearing a select few Beatles songs constantly everywhere I go now. Now that I have said this, you will notice this too. I have condemned you to have Lucy and the Sky of Diamond invade your brain the next time you are waiting in line to buy your Fruit Loops. I digress from the point, but as the famous chorus was playing, I get by with a little help from my friends; I started to think about what challenges I was facing currently and who could help me.

The Real Challenge

Now I know this is going to open me up for some great DMs. Hey, Guy I see that you need some help – have you seen our platform that does XYZ and also ABC? However, as I thought this through, I realized that my problem is not ideas for transformation. I have a million of those. My problem is finding the right people to help me, to guide me, to show me the way. That is what I need the most – not a solution. Many people are constantly trying to sell solutions. We are all peddling solutions at each other all day long. I have a solution to your problem! Buy this, and all your problems will go away! With my help, you can increase your number of subscribers! Sell more products! Get more appointments! All solutions to assumed problems.

Looking for the Right Help

90% of the time, people are peddling a solution to a problem that I am not interested in or worried about. They get close, but often not close enough. I usually already know the problem and generally already know the solution or, more likely, 500 likely solutions to the problem. What I really need is a friend who can help me. Someone I trust enough to listen to their advice and perhaps even follow it. In a sense, I need my Yoda. I need my Gandalf. I need Daena, and hopefully not Charon. I need the deseret that are heading home when I am looking for water when lost outdoors. Here is one of my favorite words – I need a psychopomp.

Discarding Unwanted Solutions

I am not alone. In fact, as I sit here and sift through 1000s of DMs that I get daily, I realize that I am discarding them just as quickly as my potential clients are discarding mine and for the same reasons. I am looking for a little help from a friend, I am not looking for a solution to a problem that someone else is building. I already know what I want, who is going to help me? That is really the question that I wake up to most every day. How am I going to create this solution that will solve this problem, and who is going to help me?

The Realization

As I walked out of that convenience store, having purchased a not-so-healthy protein bar and a not-so-healthy sugar-free drink to wash it down, the refrain was still playing.

Mmm, gonna try with a little help from my friends.

Oh I get high with a little help from my friends.

Yes, I get by with a little help from my friends.

I realized that this is exactly what I want, and probably most people want. A little help today to accomplish their miraculous journey. This is what I should have in my mind when I make that next call, send that next email, fire off that next DM, craft that next slide and click start on that next zoom call.

Actually, I think I like the Joe Cocker version better

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