The 365 Commitment

Day 43 – Lent

I am not Catholic, but I thought it noteworthy to reflect on the tradition of Lent. Today marks the first Sunday in the season of Lent. For those of you who do not know, Lent starts 40 days before Easter. This is to represent the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness in fasting and prayer. An interesting side note – other religious leaders also seem to habe spent 40 days in the wilderness fasting to achieve some higher level. Moses for example, spent 40 days on Mr. Sinai before communing with God.

Catholics mark this season with a pennance. They give someth8ng up, or commit to some special act of service or sacrifice.

I am reflecting this morning on the concept of sacrifice. Setting religion aside, perhaps there is a principal that is so universally true that I need to male it part of my life?

If you sacrifice something, or are willing to put selfish desires aside – is there a natural law that kicks in to benefit you in someway? Perhaps sacrifice, or a willingness to sacrifice is tied to forward progress?

I am not sure I have the complete answer on this, but almost every major religion has this concept formalized in someway. Perhaps this is worthy to consider?

We have all made a commitment, a sacrifice if you will, to spend everyday focused on what we determine to be important, to serve others, and to pray or meditate at the beginning and end of each day. Perhaps that will be a worthy sacrifice? Perhaps there is something else you need to do, or to give Up?

Guy Reams (43)
365 Member

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