The 365 Commitment

Blog 125 – Buoyancy and Momentum!

A solid morning routine is like those arm floats that parents strap on a little kid who’s learning to swim. They can still drown if they really try, but it’s much easier for them to keep head above water and have fun with those little floats on.  Buoyancy!  We all need some buoyancy to keep us from sinking. So, get up and focus on your morning routine, strap those little floats to your upper arms and wade into the day, you will find you float pretty easily, you will experience buoyancy!

One thing I have noticed, my 365 habits get me on track.  My mindset and mood totally change by simply following the basics of my 365 routine.  I start by getting up early and keeping my commitment to exercise, then get my list out and write down and prioritize what is important for this day, and pray.  These habits never fail to improve my mood, bolster my resolve and launch me into a productive day.

Ok, if the image of being a toddler with little arm floaties is not inspiring enough, think about getting up enough speed to ride a quad across a lake!  Watch the first 12 seconds of this clip: Keeping your morning routine creates so much momentum you’ll blast past problems that would normally sink you.

Wow, my talent for metaphor is amazing!  A toddler with floaties on, or a dude hydroplaning a quad.  Your choice 🙂

That’s you on good habits!

Ben Wagner (132)

Member The 365 Commitment

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