So I have been on this consecutive streak of waking up at 5am for a little over 700 days in a row. Albeit, I have taken a nap occasionally during the day, but everyday, I have got up before or at 5am and started my routine. I have made many changes to my life, so it is hard to tell if the 5am wake up call has been the primary cause or a secondary cause for improvement. However, I do have to say that the habit has had a profound impact. Here is the bullet list of the benefits that I have seen:

Sleep has been more consistent. The expected pattern of waking at the same time has made my sleep more even then it was previously.

I get a lot more done then I ever did before. Some people have asked me, how is it possible that you have found time to run, exercise, write a blog, etc, and keep up with all your other commitments? The answer is simple. 5am. This is the sacrifice that I have made in order to improve my health.

Prioritizing my goals. In the past when I have got up later in the morning, my day would often become subject to other people’s concerns. When you get up at 5am and everyone is asleep you can set your priorities first.

I have already accomplished a good day before 8am. Before I start work, before I deal with whatever life has to throw at me, I have already accomplished a day worth living. I checked the box on at least 5 activities that I consider valuable and important. That is a nice head os steam tackle the day with.

Most people will roll their eyes, or cry fowl at the concept of waking up everyday at an early hour like 5am. However, if you are in a situation where you are trying to accomplish an objective, then you might want to think about making this commitment. Try it out for a 100 days in a row and see what happens!?

Guy Reams

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