The 365 Commitment

Good Days

Start each day with a list of what you could do today to make the day phenomenal. Why not? I mean you probably will not make everyday awesome, but should you not at least try? Here is the problem, as I see it. Most of us do not even consider what would make the day awesome, we start out the day and just exist and then eventually the day ends, rinse and repeat. We did not have a fighting chance. Now we may accidentally bump into a good day now and then, but they are few and far in between. What if we actually tried to have a good day? How many could we manufacturer if we at least tried?

If you start each day with a list of what it would take to consider this day “good” or “awesome” then you would at least know what it would take to get to mark that day up to being a good one. You still will fail a lot, more often than succeed I suppose. However, if you were to double or even triple the number of good days that you experience what type of impact would that have on your life? Would you have more enjoyment? More success? More satisfaction?

I mean, you after all, are the one that gets to decide what a good day is. However, if you never write down what a good day needs to be, then how do you know when you achieve it? You could decide, for example, that today would be awesome if I went fishing. If you actually get out the door and get some fishing in, then you could then with great pride, label the day as good. This is because you started the day with a plan, and you achieved it. I mean you might as well start with what is the most important, right? Perhaps give yourself a few layup easy days. Does every good day have to be a super human effort? Perhaps a good day, is a day where you help a stranger out. That is it, the whole rest of the day can go to hell, but if you do that one act of kindness you will call that day good!

So start the day with a list! Decide early in the morning what the day will look like in order to be labeled good, or perhaps a little extra to be awesome. Can you collect these days? Remember them? Set to break your own record for the number of good days in a row? Stop making life so freaking hard, wake up in the morning and take control. Write a list down and have an awesome day for a change.

Guy Reams

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