The 365 Commitment

Day 223 – Just Start

I really think I am on to something obvious and simple yet effective. I have know this for years. The “just do it” concept popularized by Nike. There are many things in life that you need to just do in order to become good at. For example, piano playing. You can conceive of a million ways to learn the piano better but the end of the day the most progress is made by just practicing the piano daily. A million more examples surface in my mind.

You can think of a million ways to be a better sales person, but at the end of the day you need to talk to people that buy things to sell everyday. If you are not doing that you can just throw out the window all of your thinking. You can craft the perfect diet, but if you are not actually eating less then just forget it. Exercise plans are awesome, but a plan will never beat just walking out your door every day and moving your body around in any vigorous activity.

So just start. I know that you can think of something right now that you *should* be doing. You know what it is. Stop reading this right now and right it down. You know EXACTLY what it is you should be doing right now. Now that you have written it down, just go do it. Stop everything you are doing right now and go do that think that you know you should do. Once you have done it, then resolve to do it again everyday for 365 days.

I guarantee that when you are done with a full year of doing that simple thing every day that you will be really good at it. People will consider you awesome at doing it even. They will look up to you and admire you for your amazing ability. All you have to do is do it, everyday.

Guy Reams (223)
365 Member

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