So it is a good idea to stay physically fit. You do not have to go all out and hit the gym 4 hours a day, but if you do some modest amount of physical fitness everyday then you will be able to respond to life’s little challenges without being overwhelmed. When you have to carry in 10 bags of groceries, you will not find yourself in bed and in pain for a few days because of the exertion.

The same is true, but probably more so, for the brain. If you stay sharp mentally then when you are suddenly called upon to deal with one of life’s curve balls you will have the mental capacity and fortitude to take a pause, assess and then deal with the crisis appropriately.

So how do you do your mental crunches? Just like with physical exercise there are many ways and methods to stay mentally sharp. Perhaps the best form of brain crunches that I have come up with is to practice some sort of metacognition daily. Some call this meditation, but it is really the act of taking a long pause and thinking about what you are thinking about. Understanding what is preoccupying your mind and figuring out if that is the best use of your brain power or could you be focusing your mental energy on other things.

This exercise, basically thinking about what you are thinking about, sounds strange but it is really a very healthy thing to do. It gives you the pathway, or the understanding of how to take a pause and think and make better decisions. So that when you are called upon to think or make a tough decision you will have practice at taking a pause and not making the wrong decision impulsively.

Guy Reams

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