Something to Be Afraid Of

Had to get up early. 4am. Heading to the airport. Red brake lights as far as the eye can see.

Nothing to be afraid of.

I made the flight, was dozing off when the fasten seat belt light binged and some turbulence kicked in.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Plane landed a little rough, got an Uber. The driver was a bit suspicious looking. Had shifting eyes.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Got to work meeting. Spend the day determining if I would have a job or not.

Nothing to be afraid of.

A call from one of my kids. They are worried about their future. So many big decisions.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Got back to the hotel, tired. Must get my run in. I am scheduled to run 2 hours this evening.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Running on dusty dirt trail, tribal police think I am running from them. They chase me down to only find out that I am just running.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Coming back, late at night. Headlamp shining on trail in front. A rattle snake laying across the path. His tongue flicks, smelling me.

That is something to be afraid of.

Guy Reams

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