The 365 Commitment

Day 86 – Runs with Deer

As the moon hung low in the pre-dawn sky, I ran down a long country road in my hometown in Colorado. The temperature was well below freezing, and the world around me was immersed in a serene silence, save for a distant rooster heralding the approach of dawn. This ritual of early morning runs has been a consistent part of my life, a discipline that often challenges my resolve. Weariness and the biting cold were my adversaries this morning, whispering excuses into my ears. Yet, I persisted, and as I ran, something remarkable happened. Out of the corner of my eye, a shadowy figure raced alongside me – a majestic buck galloping in the field parallel to my path. It was a moment of pure wonder, a reward for my consistent effort.

The tale of my morning run parallels the ancient wisdom of Aesop’s fable of the tortoise and the hare. In this story, the steady, determined tortoise triumphs over the swift but erratic hare. The moral is clear: consistency over time yields better results than sporadic bursts of effort. This principle is often hard to accept in our fast-paced world, where we are conditioned to seek instant gratification and believe in the allure of a grand slam. Yet, time and again, it’s the steady, ongoing efforts that bring about lasting change and real achievements.

This principle is not just a moral lesson but a law of nature. Consider the grandeur of a mountain, standing tall and seemingly invincible. Yet, given enough time, the persistent flow of water can carve through these formidable giants, creating valleys and canyons of breathtaking beauty. It’s a testament to the power of consistent, unyielding force over time – an enduring transformation that’s both subtle and profound.

In the realm of business, this principle holds equally true. Success is seldom the result of a single, monumental effort; it’s the culmination of consistent, daily actions. Regularly refining strategies, persistently pursuing goals, and steadily building relationships forge a path to long-term success. This consistency in effort and purpose sets apart the enduring enterprises from the flash-in-the-pan ventures.

So, as we tread our paths, whether in personal endeavors or professional pursuits, let’s remember the lesson from my early morning run with the deer. It’s not the sporadic sprints but the consistent journey, often under challenging circumstances, that brings the most rewarding experiences. Our efforts, like the steady strides of a runner or the unceasing flow of a river, have the power to shape our world in ways we can barely imagine. Embrace consistency, and let it be the force that drives you towards your goals.

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