The 365 Commitment

Day 18 – Seeking Clarity

Well today marks the mythical “you have now built a habit” mark. 18 days is what I have always believed is how long it takes to develop a good habit. This is a complete myth btw. A good habit becomes automatic at a much greater amount of time – more like 90 days. So I am not going to get too excited – because I have been here a thousand times before. I think I have a good habit, and I relax a bit and then something happens in my life and suddenly I am not following the habit any more! Not this time!

The 365 commitment is about establishing the most important habit. I guess we can debate that – but you can also just believe me. I have been battling with trying to figure this question out for 30 years. I think I have finally figured out the answer – Waking every morning, deciding on what is important to you, praying about your list and who you can help, acting upon the list and then reporting back to God in prayer when the day is over. This is the best habit a person can develop. If you do not believe in God – then you can just meditate, or just choose to believe in God. Sometimes life requires you to believe in something that is good even though you have a million doubts. I think that might be called faith and guess what – Faith is REALLY powerful!

I am determined to prove that my faith in this commitment will have miraculous results. Well, the miracle is in progress and it is beginning to help me discover the answer to seeking clarity. I have always struggled with this. There are days when I feel like I have a clear vision of what I need to do and why – but then there are most days where I am just confused by lots of competing emotions, thoughts, concerns.

The quiet moment in the morning I am allowing myself to be silent, to ask questions and listen. Really listen. Let the thoughts and confusion drift away. The thoughts that survive become my list. If it is important enough to bug me after that process of meditation – then I am putting it down on my list and I am going to just get it done. Gone are the days when I allow a poisonous concern rattle around in my head for days wrecking havoc. If something is bugging me that bad – then I am just going to get it done. Adding it to the morning list!

Guess what – I have finally found clarity. Even in dark times – I see a path forward each morning and some hope. I still fail miserably sometimes – but I know I have tomorrow morning and that is really comforting!

Perhaps I am finally learning to “live each day to its fullest”, “taking no thought for tomorrow”, “seizing the day”, “discovering that the sun really does come out tomorrow” and all these words of encouragement I have heard my whole life. You want clarity? Develop this most important habit. 365!

Guy Reams (18)
365 Member

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