The 365 Commitment

Day 55 – The winds will come

So once you get on the path and start climbing your own mountain you will very quickly find out that it is not always going to be an idealistic scene with mountain meadow pastures, clearly defined trails, easy to read signs, and sunshine. In fact many times it will just be downright nasty. The Winds will come.

When the stormy weather happens (and it will) you need to have a solid foundation. There are many foundations that you can build upon. I am not going to offer an opinion on that – however – I will say that the stronger foundation that you have the better you can withstand the bad times and stay on the path.

I started the 365 commitment to help me build a better foundation. Something that no matter what happens, I will fall back to this core commitment and pick up and go again the next day.

Mountains are climbed one step at a time. Some days you may only get a few steps in but it is critically important that you face forward, pushing yourself to take each step regardless of how difficult.

Rest assured the 365 commitment is the beginnings of a foundation that can help you withstand the winds when they do come.

Guy Reams (55)
365 Member
Ride at Dawn

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