The 365 Commitment

Day 102 – Automating My Life

This morning I was thinking a lot about artificial intelligence. I know that topic sounds really scary, but it is actually really simple. Effectively, if we can think of something it takes a human only a few seconds to think about and do then we can probably automate it. Put a bunch of those in sequence and voila you have some intelligence. I am thinking about this for something at work, but it did not take me very long to start thinking of my own life. Could I automate my life?

“OK Google”….”Add Spend Time with my Kids to my 365 list”

Ok, so maybe I cannot get google to do things for me, but I can start to apply this concept in a creative way. For example. I have an objective to drink more water. What if I came up with a trigger that every time it happened, I would automatically drink water? Hmm…What would make the most logical sense? Ah…!! I got it. Every time I pee, I will automatically drink a full glass of water. Trigger, Response.

In a way the 365 List has become this way for me. I wake up, I get my notebook out. When I am done with my notebook, I start putting my running shoes on. Automating my life. Imagine this, perhaps the path to becoming a better person is not a singular act of greatness, but rather an accumulation of good habits that you have built. When I am done with everyday I will have at least accomplished these 5 things because they are automatic for me.

I am starting to think of where else I can find a trigger – response type of approach?

Guy Reams (102)
365 Member

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