The 365 Commitment

Day 151 – Cry Wolf

One of the sources of inspiration I have sought out during my 365 journey has been old stories. A few of them have as their origin Aesop’s collection of fables.

I have been thinking of the fable titled “The boy who cried wolf.” In the original fable, the wolf eats the sheep in the end and not the boy. The fable seems to emphasize the point that if people continue to lie, eventually people will not believe them even if they are telling the truth.

I am astonished at how much this fable applies to life. Many of us cry wolf in a vain attempt to distract people from our inadequacy. However, eventually that tactic will not work anymore and people will start to act indifferent toward you.

What a powerful life lesson. Best to confront reality head on and stop flapping our wings and sqwaking at some pretense. Eventually no matter how much noise we make we are going to have to actually quietly do the hard part.

If we continuously ignore the hard parts of life and make noise to distract others from our lack of real progress then eventually you will lose interest and concern from others. So I spent some time this morning evaluating where I was spending a bunch of time making noise, instead of actually doing. Amazing way to look at my life. Where am I crying wolf?

Guy Reams (151)

365 Member



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