The 365 Commitment

Day 311 – Pressure Causes Efficiency

The more you pressure yourself to accomplish the more efficient you have to become. Your mind and body will just figure it out, if there is enough pressure.

If there is not enough pressure you will slack. It is just the way it is. When you are under pressure you will either figure out how to most efficiently get the work done or you will fail.

Driving toward success is all about having just enough pressure for you to start to find efficient ways of doing things. I have lots of examples.

With food, I decided to not allow myself to eat food with sugar. Either I find a substitute or I dont eat. That is pressure and guess what, my mind figured it out for me. What was hard has no come much easier.

With exercise, I am not letting up. I am under pressure to run and do my +1 pushups, situp and squat routine. This pressure has caused me to figure out the most efficient way to get it done because I have no other option.

Waking early. I have no choice, I wake at 5am no matter what. This is pressure and consequently my mind and body has figured out how to sleep better because there is no other option.

Pressure and no way out of the pressure caused you to become super human efficient.

Guy Reams (311)

365 Member

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