The 365 Commitment

Blog 245 King-Warrior-Magician-Lover, A Framework For Development

Grow yourself up. This is the message that came to me early this year when I meditated upon what I needed to do.  I prayed on it too.

Knock and the door will open, seek and you will find.  Sure enough events happened in my life that have tested me and, like winds in my sails, have propelled me kicking and screaming on a sometimes terrifying journey of growing myself up, of maturing/developing those parts of myself that stand in need of it.  I have a long way to go.

It is a complicated business though, growing oneself up.  Where to start?  A framework would be helpful, and this morning I have stumbled upon one, the Jungian Archetypes for a mature man.  Jung was not just smart, he was incredibly brilliant.  He identified patterns of being that people live out, or embody, they seem to be ancient constants of human experience that every generation experiences, in the context of psychological development and expression.  For men, there are four main archetypes: King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover.  I think these four dimensions represent a framework for my development moving forward because indeed they seem to fit, and Jung and those who have followed him wrote in depth about them.

My goal now is to learn what Jung wrote about these dimensions.  I think this will add focus and clarity to my efforts in growing myself up.  Here is an article I ran across this morning that provides a good outline.


Ben Wagner (252)

Member The365Commitment

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