The 365 Commitment

Day 52 – Embracing Principles as Doctrine: The Path to an Authentic, Principle-Centered Life


In a world inundated with self-help literature and motivational rhetoric, we find ourselves surrounded by a myriad of principles. These principles, ranging from personal development to ethical conduct, are touted as the keystones to a successful and fulfilling life. However, the true challenge lies not in discovering or even writing about these principles but in truly internalizing and living them. The journey towards a principle-centered life demands more than mere acknowledgment of these values; it requires a transformation where these principles evolve into doctrines that dictate our daily lives, leading to change from the inside out.

Watch my video Embracing Principles as Doctrine, here

Section 1: The World of Principles

The modern age has made access to principles more convenient than ever. Every book, blog, and seminar offers its own set of guidelines for a better life. These principles cover every aspect of human existence, from personal health to professional ethics. The ease of discovering these principles, however, is a double-edged sword. It has led to an abundance of guidance but also to an overload of information, making it challenging to identify which principles genuinely resonate with our personal beliefs and circumstances.

The act of writing about principles is even more straightforward. The market is replete with authors sharing their insights on leading a principled life. However, the ease of articulating these principles often fails to translate into the practice of living by them. This disconnect points to a crucial gap between knowledge and action.

Section 2: From Principles to Doctrine

Understanding the distinction between principles and doctrines is critical to this transformation. Principles are fundamental truths that act as the foundation for behavior. At the same time, doctrines are ingrained beliefs that guide our actions without conscious effort. The transition from principle to doctrine in one’s life is not merely a shift in understanding but a transformation in being.

This internalization process involves a deep and often challenging journey of consistently aligning one’s actions with these principles. It’s about making these values so ingrained in our behavior that they become automatic. The role of habit formation in this process is crucial. By repeatedly practicing behaviors that align with these principles, they eventually become second nature, akin to doctrines that direct actions intuitively.

Section 3: Overcoming Challenges

The path from understanding to internalizing principles is fraught with personal and societal barriers. These range from ingrained habits and beliefs to societal norms that may contradict our chosen principles. The comfort of familiar patterns and fear of judgment can deter even the most committed individuals.

Overcoming these obstacles requires a combination of self-awareness, courage, and persistence. One effective strategy is to start small, implementing principles in manageable steps rather than attempting to overhaul one’s life overnight. Reflective practices like journaling and meditation can also help stay aligned with these principles amidst daily challenges.

Section 4: The Impact on Life and Society

Adopting principles as doctrines leads to a profound transformation. On a personal level, it cultivates a life of integrity, consistency, and fulfillment. This internal change often manifests in improved relationships, better decision-making, and a sense of peace and purpose.

Societally, when individuals lead by example, adhering to their principles rigorously, it sets a standard for ethical behavior and integrity. This can have far-reaching implications, from creating more humane workplaces to fostering communities built on trust and mutual respect.

Section 5: Case Studies and Real-Life Examples

History is replete with figures who exemplify living by their principles. Figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. embodied their beliefs so deeply that their lives became synonymous with their doctrines. In the contemporary world, we see business leaders, activists, and everyday individuals making hard choices in line with their principles, demonstrating that this journey is as relevant today as it ever was.

Section 6: Practical Steps to Adopt Principles as Doctrine

The journey begins with daily practices. Simple actions, like the mindful reflection on one’s behaviors and decisions, can reinforce adherence to chosen principles. Setting aside time each day to contemplate and realign with these values can transform them from abstract concepts to tangible guides in everyday life.

A long-term commitment to growth is also essential. Continual learning, open-mindedness, and the willingness to adapt are crucial in ensuring our adopted principles remain relevant and meaningful.


Embracing principles as doctrines is a journey of transformation that requires more than just understanding; it demands consistent practice and a commitment to live by these values. This journey, though challenging, paves the way for a life of authenticity and integrity. It invites us to reflect on our values and step boldly into a life that embodies those principles in words and every action and decision we make.

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