The 365 Commitment

Day 19 – Serving Others

A critical step in the 365 commitment is to remember that each morning after you make your list is that you pray or meditate on your list. What should you pray and think about? Well that is entirely up to you – however – I have some powerful suggestions.

First – asking if there is anyone you can serve today, or anyone you can help is an important question to ask. Write down the names of the people you can serve on your list and mark them high priority. I have noticed that as I have done this – I have started to see tremendous benefits not only to the people I am trying to help, but to me personally as well. Help other people – make that a priority and see what happens!

Second – you may have written many things down, perhaps you have a method of capturing things that you might not have got to. Sometimes I will scan my schedule or my email looking for tasks that I should put down – especially if I have some extra time in my schedule. This is good, however, my second point is do not let this list of small tasks get in the way of the most important task you should accomplish today. That is the thing to contemplate in prayer – on this list is there anything that I should prioritize above all other things? What deserves my focus? What should I spend my precious time on today?

Third – is there something else? Is there something else that I should do today that I have not considered? This is a really important question that really requires that you listen for an answer! You may be surprised at what you come back with. What you thought was important may pale in comparison to what is whispered to your mind in a quiet moment of contemplation.

That is it – happy list making!

Ok – a side philosophical note. Jean Piaget wrote about mind development, effectively the process the human mind goes through in developing which is heavily influenced by childhood experiences. He had a concept called the cognitive unconscious. He actually tried to figure out what it was that “whispers” to the conscious mind and causes us to make decisions. Christians call this the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. I have heard it referred to as the Spirit of YHWH in Judaism. Islam also has the concept of a Holy Spirit which is the agent of divine communication. Buddhism refers to this concept as the guiding influence that helps the faithful develop their spiritual goal. Well there you go it really does not matter what you subscribe to – that quiet voice that whispers to your soul each morning as you pray about your list – IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO LISTEN TO!!! Every major religion has the concept and even behavioral scientists do as well! So take the time each morning to LISTEN!!

Guy Reams (19)
365 Member

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