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Is it possible to be passionate about happiness? Joy? The obtainment of such a thing? I wonder if that is
Need to remind myself that my perceptiom of things is usually not correct. However, my perception is my reality. It
You have a great idea. It is exciting. It is awesome. You need to do this and that. You need
There is a theory that you can actually change the electromagnetic field of energy around you and thus influence your
Most value builds incrementally over time. Rarely does value instantly happen, and usually the way that happens is impossible to
Sometimes you are in a circumstance for a reason. To learn something. Be wary of changing your circumstance to soon,
Whenever you start to feel bad stop. Really stop. Take some time to sit quietly and ponder, why do I
One of the hardest things for me to accept is that obstacles, struggles, and difficulty os part of the process.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where
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